eXplore Lumle

A hugely rainfall happen place of Nepal….

Aaroma Homes (2020) www.aaromahomes.com

We provide you a familiar lodging in our traditional stone house with organic cultural food and a local chicken BBQ or Roast. Campfire in our peace environment and to celebrate birthday party can be done here with candle dinner in our village (Aagan). For now the maximum number of guest can be 7 in number. We can handle up to 7 guest in our two couple room settle in village (Aati) with two bed each and the three open bed at once. All this room have a common toilet and bathroom. For now we will have our dinner, lunch, breakfast, and we celebrate our birthday in village (Aagan) by sitting in the local sitting mat (Gundri). Soon we are going to increase some cottage with attach toilet and bathroom on the gap of few year and also we will build well manage kitchen and dining. By making green house system and providing organic local vegetables, fruits and local bee honey are our aim in future. Please kindly visit our place and motivate us with positive thoughts and inspiration. Lets eXplore Lumle together ( a hugely rainfall happen place of Nepal).

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